This Sunday our squadron will be heading to the Niagara District Airport for gliding. Transportation and lunch will be provided to all cadets. Feel free to bring snacks though! Please wear appropriate civilian attire for the weather, and possibly something to sit on, as you'll be sitting in a field beside the runway for most of the day! This event is a lot of fun and may be the beginning of a long career in aviation for some of you! Every cadet must bring their health card with them. Also, if you are a new recruit and you are hoping to attend but do not have your registration paperwork in yet, bring it with you the morning of!
We only have 40 spots, so first come first served!
Be at the legion at 0745
Bus departs at 0800
Return to legion by 1700
Close toed shoes
Long Pants
Water bottle
Something to sit on (Tarp / chair)
Health card
Timings are approximate and could change at anytime based on weather. If weather is not in favour of flying, the whole event could be cancelled. We will be notifying people through Remind and Facebook of any last minute changes.